Leonie has been a dedicated yoga practitioner and working as a holistic therapist for over 20 years. She loves guiding students to deepen their life experience and empower themselves through yoga and complementary therapies. She offers retreats in southern Spain, where she lived for many      years. Now living in Devon, UK, she teaches regular classes is also available for one to one yoga tuition, Cranio-Sacral therapy sessions, Deep healing massage, Reflexology, E.F.T. Healing and Holistic facial treatments…
Pure Yoga Center with Leonie Dunlop

Workshops | Classes | Retreats

Leonie offers a variety of drop in and private yoga classes, workshops and retreats, mostly in UK and Southern Spain. Find out more…


Leonie offers a variety of holistic therapies, including Cranio-sacral therapy, deep healing massage, reflexology, EFT healing and holistic facial treatments. Find out more…

My Journey

Leonie has dedicated her life to Self realization and empowering others.. . Find out more…

Alchemy – The transmutation of base metal into gold… Alchemy in the body through yoga…

As we create heat in the body through sensible yoga practice under the direction of a qualified teacher, this fire converts earth and water elements into air and then ether, creating space in the body that can be tangibly experienced. As we observe ourselves from a place of growing spaciousness we begin to feel lighter and more detached, allowing us to let go of restrictive conditioning patterns that we realise were controlling our lives… The energy that was caught up in running these unconscious patterns and hiding them is then free to integrate back into our consciousness, creating conditions that allow for a focusing of our increasing strength in a balanced and holistic way.
In my experience this is a fascinating and ever deepening journey of self discovery which fuels itself by the fruits it offers…